I was looking for a program just like this and when I found it I kept looking just to make sure I got the best version of what I was looking for. YouDo is close but is only adequate but still great when you consider there may not be similar alternatives. Whats missing?
1) Editing dates for each item - Like a reviewer pointed out earlier you can only scroll one day at a time to add items. An update allows you to move items to another day but it only lets you advance one day at a time and you have to activate the menu over and over again for each day you advance to. Not fun.
2) Views - Week view, Month View. Why not give users the option even if you think the program should maintain a minmal aesthetic? It would be an option that wouldnt effect people who dont want to use it. Adding a tab for month and week views considering most lower bars have space for 5 items would not be that hard.
3) Notes - This would not only work as a assist in tasks but also help this double double as and intuitive diary. Also another reason for month and week views.
4) Day/Timestamps.
1) Confirmation to Complete - It is too easy to tap an item by mistake. You have to hold an item to advance it a day and that makes it easy to misstap. Swiping to reveal a complete button is a double confirmation. Remember the Milk does this. This may seem to conflict with the other swiping features but I would prefer but you can use the grabber east, west, north, and south regions to swipe. I guess you can also have a check box.
2) Swipe up/down to go to a previous or following week. - I believe this fits right in line with the design of the program. I would love to show it to my Palm Pre friends.
3) Double tap to zoom out/in to week & month views. I would love this. You can then swipe forward by week or month. Week view should also work gracefully in landscape view.
It has potential and I hope another previous review is correct about the developer making updates to this that will help it reach its full potential.
iPhone Organized about YouDo - To-do lists and daily notes